Gender-affirming health care for transgender and gender nonconforming individuals continues to be a highly contested topic in state legislatures across the country. Clinicians who provide gender-affirming care to patients often encounter many legal, societal, and systemic barriers to providing quality care. The resources available to clinicians to help overcome these hurdles are limited. This project explores how storytelling can serve as a tool for clinicians to improve the quality of gender-affirming health care for transgender and gender nonconforming patients and the role of storytelling in health education, training, and advocacy. The final output for this project seeks to share scholarly research in a creative, accessible way in the form of a podcast series featuring interviews with clinicians who provide gender affirming care.
Author: Alexandra Nash
Highlights and Accomplishments:
- Offices Held:
- Vice President : School of Public and International Affairs Graduate Student Association (SPIAGSA)
- Graduate Student Representative : Center for Truth, Racial Healing, and Transformation
- Editorial Assistant : University of Cincinnati Press